Am so happy that I am finally able to go on a company trip after so many years in the working world.. and where to?? BALI!! Whoo hooo!!!.. getting pretty excited bout it...
Bali... here we come.. counting down.. 38 more days to go..
hehehe.. hmm... let's see.. since it's Bali.. do I need to work up a bikini body?? muahahaha.. I can start sleeping early from today onwards.. so, I can dream of having one.. Talking bout bikini bodies.. who do you think has the hottest bikini bod?? Something for you guys to drool on.. I am already drooling.. muahahaha..
jessica alba is the hottest of course! nah comment d :P
Aren't you excited with your trip tomorrow??
Too bad my company have to pick the island that i've ALREADY been to twice. Sighh..
Bring me back lots of pix ya?. Have fun!
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